Friday 21 September 2018

SWAP-It App Creating Healthy Lunchboxes


Parents and carers of Hunter school children will have a helping hand to create healthier lunchboxes with the support of a University of Newcastle research project.

The NIB foundation has provided a $500,000 grant to help researchers develop the new SWAP-It app in a bid to start healthy habits early.

Lead researcher, Luke Wolfenden says the application aims to address the nutritional intake of children to prevent unhealthy weight gain in childhood.

"Good nutrition is one of the most important determinants of children's health and well-being."

SWAP It who’s message to parents is to swap in healthy foods and swap out junk food will be delivered to 150 primary schools across the Hunter New England region.

The parent support program delivered through the app contains nutritional guidelines, weekly support messages and access to useful information through hyperlinks.

"We see the SWAP-It program as a means to support parents to pack healthy nutritious foods in their child's lunchbox on a daily basis, and therefore supporting children to play, learn, and thrive at school," A/Prof Wolfenden said.

This will directly benefit 75,000 students and 60,000 families across the Hunter over the next three year period.

Image: The Universtiy of Newcastle