Tests carried out over four years by the Nature Conservation Council reveal areas in Newcastle and the Hunter exceed World Health Organisation standards for Sulphur-Dioxide (SO2) pollution.
Sulphur-Dioxide gas is primarily released from coal-fired power stations, fossil fuel burning and vehicle emissions.
The Nature Conservation Council undertook air quality testing in parts of the Hunter, Newcastle and Sydney from May 2015 to the same time this year say Newcastle and the Hunter were the most polluted test areas.
Nature Conservation Council Campaign Director Dr. Brad Smiths says levels of SO2 in the air around Carrington, Stockton and Mayfield are the highest polluted which can impact negatively on communities,
"People with asthma, allergies and the elderly are the most impacted by the pollution although high SO2 levels are also linked to pregnancy issues including low-birth weight in newborns, respiratory disease and premature death."
The Nature Conservation Council is calling on the state and federal governments to raise national emissions standards to match those set internationally and force compliance from coal-fired companies,
"The Australian standard set for SO2 pollution is 11 times weaker than those recommended by the World Health Organisation guidelines and the government needs to bring our standards up to scratch and protect our right to breathe in healthy air."
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Image Sourced: https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C1GGRV_enAU751AU751 |