Wednesday 6 October 2021

UPDATE! Crews Battling Garage Fire At Charlestown


Four kittens have been rescued as fire tore through a garage at Charlestown on Wednesday morning.

Firefighters were called to a home in Kahibah Road just before 6.00am to find a separate fibro and tin  garage up in flames.

They took more than hour to extinguish the fire but managed to stop the flames from spreading to the adjoining home.

Newcastle Fire Command says four kittens were rescued and handed to police.

The cause of the fire has not yet been determined.


Firefighters have been called to a garage fire at Charlestown.

Newcastle Fire Command says they received more than a dozen calls to a home in Kahibah Road, arriving just before 6 o'clock on Wednesday morning to find a separate garage well alight.

Crews from Charlestown, Merewether and Tingira Heights have been called to the fire.

It's understood no-one's been injured and crews wearing breathing apparatus and using two lines of hose have managed to contain the fire to the garage.