Thursday, 27 August 2020

Local Artists Can Register Now To Be Part Of 'Live Spots' Project, Bringing Life to Newcastle Streets


A new initiative aims to brighten up Newcastle business precincts with live performance and entertainment.

The Hamilton Business Improvement Association launched stage one of the Live Spots Project on Thursday, focusing on encouraging new performers post-lockdown.

"It will put on live performances in specific sites all around the city and provide some employment opportunities post-lockdown for artists," Deputy Project Lead Joe Relic says.

Four spots have been chosen for the first stage of the project but more sites are expected to be activated in the future.

The current sites for stage one will be Hamilton's James Street Plaza, Darby Street's Headphone sculpture, Wallsend's Rotunda Park and Victoria Street in Mayfield.

Mr Relic says anyone interested in becoming a part of the initiative can visit the website.

"Musicians, street performers or even a painting artist who would like to put their hand up to paint a mural at one of the sites, can go to the site to express their interest and register on a data base so we can begin to book you."

"Our ultimate objective is to have dozens of spots across the city that are coordinated to feature a wide range of musicians, genres and styles and work within larger city-wide tourism, events and cultural landscape."

James Street Plaza in Hamilton