Wednesday 19 June 2019

University of Newcastle reaches new heights in QS World University Ranking


The University of Newcastle is celebrating news it's now ranked 207th in the 2020 QS World Rankings.

The University has improved 7 places since last year's rankings and a total of 91 places since 2014.

Improvements in Academic Reputation, Employer Reputation and Citations per Faculty make up the bulk of the University's score, and the International Faculty score, which measures the University's ability to attract students from overseas, has remained at an all time high.

Vice-Chancellor Professor Alex Zelinksy AO said the score is thanks to a group effort from students and faculty.

"It would be hard to give the credit to any particular group of individuals. It's truly a group effort" said Professor Zelinksy

The QS World University Rankings considered 1620 institution from 82 locations, 37 Australian Institutions are considered in the count.

The University of Newcastle remains the 10th best University in the country.