Thursday 15 November 2018

Outrageous Waiting Time For People With Parkinson's Disease


Charlestown MP Jodie Harrison has given a Notice of Motion calling on the Health Minister to address the time people with Parkinson's disease have to wait for appointments at a Hunter New England Health Clinic.

Parkinson's is a degenerative disease of the nervous system with symptoms becoming progressively worse over time.

"Experts in the disease say that the day you find out you have Parkinson's you should start planning not just your health care plan, but also your finances and long-term living arrangements," said Ms Harrison.

A resident recently diagnosed has contacted the MP, saying he is very distressed and unsure of what his future holds.

The constituent has told Ms Harrison he had to wait eight months for a post-assessment appointment at the Parkinson's Clinic at New Lambton Heights.

"Eight months is an outrageous wait time which is leaving Parkinson's sufferers without the tools and knowledge to manage their disease," said Ms Harrison.

She is asking the Health Minister to take a look at the waiting time, "realise it is eight months and actively put in measures so people don't have to wait to get appointments."

Ms Harrison added that appointments at the Parkinson's Clinic are important to the people who have been diagnosed, to be able to manage the symptoms long-term.

Member of Charlestown, Jodie Harrison