Monday 12 November 2018

Nelson Bay's Apex Park Revitalised With a New Amphitheatre


Nelson Bay's Apex Park has been revitalised with a new grass tiered amphitheater, irrigation upgrades, and electrical infrastructure. 

The upgrades have come as part of the states Government's Stronger Country Communities Fund, to help create a multipurpose park for residents, visitors and community events.  

Mayor Ryan Palmer says "This is yet another Nelson Bay Next initiative that is revitalising our beautiful town and creating spaces where people want to stay and enjoy" 

"The new grassed amphitheater will offer more places to sit and relax in the park every day, and will provide the perfect new outdoor space for special events."

Port Stephens Council member Paul Burton, Mayor Ryan Palmer, and Tomaree Business Chamber's Peter Clough.
 Image from Port Stephens Examiner.