Wednesday 21 November 2018

Bulga Water Supply project takes next step


Singleton Council has decided on its final plans for the Bulga Water Supply project at an ordinary meeting on Monday night.

The proposal came from Council's move to provide potable (drinking) water to those without, such as the Bulga community.

Between the two options presented to the Councillors, option B - covering 14.8kms between Broke and Bulga and servicing 186 properties - emerged victoriously.

Council says the associated benefits, economic and otherwise, was a main factor in the decision-making process.

"We'll move forward with design specifics and further consultation of people along that route and continue to apply for grant funding," Director of Planning and Infrastructure, Mark Ihlein, said.

"We want to continue being fair and equitable, without raising rates and making our locals pay too much for it," he added.

Mr Ihlein says the Council has reserved funding to subsidised a portion of the project, but without additional support, the estimated $11.3 million project is yet to begin construction.