Wednesday, 1 March 2017

Newcastle Cabbies Want Even Playing Field With Uber


The NSW Taxi Council says it's not worried despite an increase in the use of ride-sharing services in Newcastle such as Uber.

A survey commissioned by the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal shows ride-share usage has doubled in since its introduction in Newcastle last year, jumping from nine to eighteen percent.

Survey participants said ride-share services offer better value of money and shorter wait times.

However, CEO of the Taxi Council Roy Wakelin-King says ride-sharing services such as Uber are enjoying an unfair price advantage because they aren't paying their fair share of insurance costs.

"If you're a taxi in Newcastle in particular, you're paying upwards of $9,500 per vehicle per annum. Whereas, if you're a ride-sharing vehicle, you're being cross-subsidised by private vehicle owners and you're only paying somewhere around $600 to $700. Now that's clearly an unfair advantage and something which is unsustainable. The government's recognised that and is taking steps to fix that," he said.

Taxi Council CEO Roy Wakelin-King

Listen to entire interview: