The project includes;
- A shallow marine survey of the lake.
- A rockhead drilling programme which will see multiple boreholes drilled from a barge to confirm the depth and thickness of the strata between the Lake floor and the coal seam.
- An exploration drilling programme with selected boreholes drilled to the coal seam to investigate the continuity and quality of the coal seam.
Community concern has been raised as similar testing is usually carried out in deep ocean waters, however some areas of the lake are just 11 meters deep.
The NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment is the determining authority for the proposal.
Lake Macquarie Council says, "We
acknowledge the concerns within the community about the adequacy of
consultation by Centennial Coal prior to the survey being approved, and the
potential impact to sea animals and the marine environment"
The Council have sought further details on the environmental assessment
for the project, as well as arranged for Centennial Coal to brief Council staff
on the proposed works.
Local Greens MP, Abigail Boyd says, “There’s been no meaningful
consultation. No notice. Nothing.”
“And it won’t just be seismic
testing – there are plans to drill the lake floor over the coming five years.
“The lake is already contaminated by lead and zinc, caused largely
by the coal industry, which has already impacted on fishing quotas. By disturbing
the lake sediment, this proposal risks
spreading the impacts of that
contamination further," she said.
“The environmental report
states clearly that the seismic testing will
have harmful impacts on marine life,
including turtles, dolphins and already threatened seagrass beds which are
critical habitat."
Centennial Coal is due to release a statement.
Centennial Coal is due to release a statement.