Tuesday, 12 September 2017

Newcastle Rail Corridor Development up for Public Comment


The Newcastle former rail corridor's rezoning proposal is now up for public comment.

The rezoning comes in response to requests from the Hunter Development Corporation, and is part of the city's multibillion-dollar Revitalising Newcastle program.

Over $1 billion worth of development has been approved for areas in Newcastle over the past twelve months, and the development will include public recreation, tourism and other infrastructure along the 2km stretch between Worth Place and Watt Street.

Newcastle City Council Interim CEO Jeremy Bath says this public exhibition period is a one-off chance to get the next exciting stage of the city's development right.

'The public exhibition is an important part of ensuring a balance of open space, tourism facilities, and residential and commercial development along the corridor,'

Local council, in partnership with the Hunter Development Corporation are anticipating to build affordable housing, parks, transport and other infrastructure as part of the proposed development.

Development control plans and a draft planning agreement will be up for review, outlining building requirements for the area. These documents can be read online, at the Newcastle library or the King Street administration centre.

Novocastrians can have their say until the end of the year through formal submission on the council's engagement site, or at the community drop in sessions being held early next week at City Hall.