Marine Rescue Newcastle will need to find a new permanent home after council decided to cut short their lease by two years.
The volunteer service has operated from the former army quarters at Shepherds Hill Cottage since 1997, but had to move to temporary facilities after it was damaged in the 2015 April Super Storm.
The cottage has now been deemed unfit for occupation, however council says there's a chance the service could move back in once repair work is finished.
Marine Rescue Newcastle Graham Silcock says they weren't expecting to search for more accommodation.
"Curiosity to the council for which we are appreciative at Warrabroke, but we weren't looking at finding an alternate accommodation in the expectation that we'd get back to Sheperd's Hill sometime soon".
He also states there seems to be a communication issue between the council and marine rescue.
"The Marine Rescue Newcastle unit is quite shocked to receive the termination notice when we had an expectation of returning to the cottage when repairs were completed. The council's work site indicated the repairs would be completed early next year and now council are saying it won't be done until after our lease terminates in July 2019".
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Marine Rescue Newcastle Site Still A No-Go Area |