Tuesday 5 September 2017

Hunter Chinese Tourism in the spotlight


The Hunter Business Chamber is joining the Tourism Industry Division of the New South Wales Business Chamber hosted a round-table today to discuss ways of maximising regional NSW's Chinese Tourism Market.

Destinations and operators in the Hunter are not maximising their market share from the rapid expansion of inbound Chinese tourism which the Sydney metropolitan area has benefited so greatly from.

Studies show that less than one in 20 international visitors to regional NSW were Chinese, compared to one in five international visitors to Sydney.

Today's discussion will aim to examine strategies which can be put in place which Hunter Business Chamber CEO, Bob Hawes say will be a boost to the Hunter's Chinese tourism market and in turn benefit the region greatly.

Hunter Business Chamber CEO, Bob Hawes
Source: http://www.theherald.com.au/story/4367036/bob-hawes-appointed-chief-executive-officer-of-hunter-business-chamber/