Friday 1 September 2017

Help Keep Our Beaches Clean.


The Litter Collective are holding one of their monthly beach clean ups this Sunday from 11am at Merewether Beach.

The clean up is to help create awareness about waste and pollution in Newcastle, as the campaign to ban single use plastic bags in NSW by the end of 2017 is rapidly growing.

Expected at the clean up are some candidates for the council elections representing various parties.

Randolph Wild from The Litter Collective says there are many ways the community can get involved.

"Come down to the beach and help with the clean up, its only for an hour and we're not going to get everything obviously. So come down with a pair of gloves and some commitment, its fun.

"The other ways, people can like our Facebook, its a very active Facebook page, and they can interact in that way. We also have monthly meetings, 6 o'clock on the first Tuesday, but that alters each month, but come to our monthly meetings and get involved".

He also says the clean up will help people understand more about littering.

"The clean up highlights our campaign to ban single use plastic bags in NSW by the end of this year, so we are campaigning for that. And a general sort of war on waste, and to raise awareness about peoples behavior about single use plastic in particular.

"Also talking about alternatives, other ways of doing things as apposed to producing things which are only for single use".

Merewether Beach. Credit- Visit Newcastle Website.