Wednesday 29 August 2018

The War Experience Seminar New Space


The University of Newcastle's six-part seminar series, The War Experience, continues tonight at NeW Space.

History enthusiasts are invited to attend the seminar on the Great War in Ottoman Turkey.

Attendees can expect to learn more about how the War was not limited to military fronts, but transformed the domestic agenda.

This topic includes the country-wide demographic, economic engineering and the genocide against Ottoman Christians.

Associate Professor Hans-Lukas Kieser will deliver the seminar at the NeW Space city campus in room X202, on the second floor, from 7-8pm tonight (Wednesday 29th August).

Professor Kieser hopes to shed light on things we haven't considered before.

"It will really concentrate on the little-known aspects of the Great War," he said, "as generally everyone knows about Gallipoli and the Palestine campaign."