Thursday 4 May 2023

Newcastle residents offered opportunity to provide feedback on local government elections


An amendment put forward by Liberal councillor Callum Pull, will allow members of the Newcastle community to provide feedback on local government elections.

It comes after a number of key issues were identified from the 2021 local government election, where issues like accessibility affected both residents and candidates.

Councillor Pull says, "just having a ramp at places like king street pre-poll, which is one of the biggest pre-polls in the city,

"In other elections, they have had that, I think there was a federal election as well recently where it wasn't accessible". 

The councilor added accessibility issues particularly affected older and less mobile residents throughout the election.

The amendment was moved and carried unanimously by council, asking for the electoral commission to offer a response to the issues brought forward.

The feedback can be viewed on City of Newcastle's 'Have Your Say' page on their website and is available until 5:00pm on 24th May.