Wednesday 24 May 2023

20,000 Signatures Makes History


Newcastle Woman of the Year, Sarah Williams, has become one the youngest people in NSW to have a petition debated in state parliament. 

The 22-year-old What Were You Wearing founder has successfully reached 20,000 signatures on a petition to mandate training on drink spiking and sexual violence. 

Sarah said the team worked for weeks to spread the petition through the local community and across the state. 

"I'm immensely proud of the team for their efforts in pushing the petition," she said. 

"My younger self would never have imagined something like this. The campaign hasn't been easy, but it's been through the overwhelming help of the community that I've been able to push through." 

The petition aims to reform RSA (Responsible Service of Alcohol) training to ensure all security and bar staff at nightclubs are properly trained in drink spiking and sexual violence prevention. 

What Were You Wearing Media Vice President, Marcie Cheers, said it's just the first step in a long road ahead. 

"We've definitely hit some amazing goals, but its not over yet, it's over to the politicians now to decide the fate of drink spiking and sexual assault training," she said. 

The not-for-profit organisation has been pushing to reform RSA training in licensed venues across NSW and the Hunter since 2021, and launched the petition at the end of last year. 

Sarah said the What Were You Wearing team is amazed by the support of the community and is excited to move forward with the next step. 

"This petition will save lives, and we plan to embed on a national level very soon," she said. 

It's expected the petition will be debated in Parliament sometime in June.