Monday 22 November 2021

Life Education giving the gift of help for regional and rural children this Christmas


Life Education is working in collaboration with Woolworths to provide children in rural and regional areas with the necessary nutrition and coping skills to manage both mental and physical health.

The Life Ed Children's Thrive Fund is designed to help children living in regional areas in the run-up to Christmas this year.

It's launching in December after helping school-aged children with health and wellbeing education for the past 40 years.

One in six children aged 4 - 17 in rural areas are experiencing mental health problems and have been facing droughts, bushfires, floods and economic hardship.

Acting Life Education CEO Josy Shaw says its important to help children in regional areas.

"We also know that they often just generally face more health challenges, mental and physical and even substance abuse challenges compared to city children." she said.

 Life Ed presently provides services for one-third of the children population aged 3-13. Miss Shaw hopes by 2025, they are able to reach one million children per year in the 3-13 age bracket. They are presently seeing roughly 700,000 children per year.

Miss Shaw says it only takes $25 to help one child with the skills they need to break the cycle of disadvantage.

To find about more, head to: