Thursday 11 June 2020

Nelson Bay Woman Charged Over Breath Test Refusal and Attempted Police Assault At School Pick Up


A woman who allegedly refused a police breath test, has been charged after being arrested while attempting to pick up a young girl from a school in Port Stephens. 

About 3.20pm on Wednesday 10th June,  a 60-year-old woman driving a Peugeot attended a school in the Port Stephens area to collect a nine-year-old girl known to her.

It’s alleged she hit bushes and small trees when parking, before exiting the vehicle to meet the girl.

School staff noticed the woman and attempted to stop her from driving away.

It’s further alleged she became aggressive and verbally abusive towards staff and police were called.

Officers from Port Stephens-Hunter Police District attended and requested the woman undergo a breath test.

When she allegedly refused, the woman was arrested and while being placed in the police vehicle, she kicked out towards a male senior constable. He was not injured.

The woman was taken to Nelson Bay Police Station, where she refused to submit to a further breath analysis.

She was charged with harass/intimidate school staff member attending school, refuse or fail to submit to breath analysis and assault police.

The Nelson Bay woman was granted conditional bail to appear at Raymond Terrace Local Court on August 31st.