Monday 18 February 2019

More Nurses Promised in Latest Election Pledge


The Hunter New England Health District could receive almost 1000 new staff members under a new commitment from the state government, which the state opposition says it will match.

The Berejiklian government has announced a $2.8 billion dollar funding injection to the health workforce if re-elected, which could see at least 979 new staff members allocated to the local region.

As many as 613 nurses and midwives could be allocated locally along with 113 doctors, 105 allied health staff and 148 hospital support workers.

Port Stephens Liberal candidate Jaimie Abbott said communities across the Hunter will benefit from the workforce boost.

"This is an unprecedented workforce boost by the NSW Liberals & Nationals Government," said Ms Abbott.

"This includes an extra 5,000 nurses and midwives to help ensure that patients get the care they need when they need it."

Shadow Health Minister Walt Secord said in a statement Labor will match that commitment, and will make further announcements in the coming weeks.

Mr Secord also labelled the state government's announcement "scant on detail" and said it leaves some unanswered questions.