Wednesday 6 February 2019

Health Minister Accused Of Ignoring Hospital Congestion


NSW Health Minister Brad Hazzard is being accused of ignoring the concerns of Hunter residents who are experiencing traffic gridlock at the John Hunter Hospital.

Wallsend MP Sonia Hornery has taken aim at the Minister after he dismissed a letter she sent containing more than 30 pages of what she described as "real-life examples from staff and visitors and practical solutions that would help ease some of the congestion while waiting for the Newcastle Inner City Bypass Stage 5 to be constructed."

Ms Hornery said recent roadworks have done nothing to fix the congestion issues.

"There has been a new carpark a couple of years ago that was built, which is some distance from the hospital itself and that was supposed to provide the solution to everyone's parking woes and travel woes, but it has not.

"We want to ensure that our ambulances services can get in and out of the hospital quicker and safer than the current very cramped and very awkward situation they deal with.

"I invite the minister to come and sit with me at peak hour to see how busy it is and how congested it is in the morning and the evening," Ms Hornery said.

In response to Ms Hornerys letter, Mr Hazard said the previous roadworks have had a positive impact on traffic flow which makes entering and exiting the campus easier and faster. Mr Hazard also said he had referred the correspondence onto the Minister for Roads Melinda Pavey.

Ms Hornery said she does not expect much action from Ms Pavey.

"I'm still waiting for the fifth stage of the Newcastle Inner City Bypass to be prioritised by the government. They seem to have put that on the back burner, like many of the projects in Wallsend.

Traffic congestion around the John
Hunter Hospital. Image: The Newcastle