Thursday 1 June 2017

A Good Sign for Air Quality in the Hunter


The latest reports from the NSW Environment Protection Authority and the Office of Environment and Heritage has released the air quality in Newcastle and the Upper Hunter was generally good over the last summer period.

The reports from the 1st of December 2016 to the 28th of February this year shown levels of nitrogen dioxide, ammonia and other fine particulate matter were below national benchmarks.

Only one slip in air quality was recorded in Muswellbrook in the Upper Hunter during December last year when a sulfur dioxide spike was recognised.

The high particle levels usually recorded throughout the summer period are often attributed to the influence of dry, hot and windy conditions, along with bush fire movements and dust generation.

EPA Hunter Director, Karen Marler believe meteorology has a lot to do with the quality in air.

"We did see some increases in fine particulate emissions on the really hot and dry summer days and often those are due to increased bush fires in the region,"she said.

However, Marler is positive air quality will remain in good condition even as the winter months present its own issues with wood heaters.

"We're also doing a lot of work around wood heater emissions and improving standards with these emissions as well," she says.

Link to EPA home page
[Image sourced:]