Tuesday 18 April 2017

Boost for women in the Hunter


Local Hunter organisations are being urged to apply for a new grant from the state government, Investing In Women. 

The grants program is worth $200,000 with $25,000 per project available to local councils, employers, industry bodies, training organisations and non-government organisations.

Investing In Women aims to provide funding for businesses who support women and their economic empowerment, including education and leadership.

Parliamentary Secretary for the Hunter Scot MacDonald is encouraging any organisation in the region with innovative projects aimed at benefiting women in education, leadership and financial security to apply.

"Most of all it is about getting financial security for women, and that comes back to financial and economic empowerment. There still remain many male dominated industries and it is asking women to look at some of those professions and trades and roles and their expanding opportunities."

For information, and to apply, visit the Women NSW website:

Applications close Wednesday 24th May 2017.