Thursday 2 March 2023

Edgeworth to Receive New Ambulance Station


A new ambulance station in Edgeworth is on the way, thanks to the state government's record investment into health.

The new station will feature internal parking for emergency ambulance vehicles, vehicle wash facilities, logistics and storage spaces, an administration office, staff amenities, and multipurpose spaces to support staff education. 

It comes as part of the government's total 1.76 billion dollar investment, which is set to transform NSW ambulance services over the next 4 years. 

As part of the program, the government has also announced $835 million will be allocated to the John Hunter Health and Innovation Precinct, $111.48 million will be handed-down to redevelop Cessnock Hospital, and 45 million will go towards Muswellbrook Hospital. 

Parliamentary Secretary for the Hunter Taylor Martin, said the site for the Edgeworth station will be determined once further planning is completed with key stakeholders.