Thursday, 15 July 2021

Funding To Support Communities Impacted By Black Summer Bushfires


Like many other communities across New South Wales, Dungog and the Hunter felt the impact of the Black Summer bushfires. 

With almost $5 million available through Stage Two of the Bushfire Recovery fund, Dungog, Cessnock, Singleton and Upper Hunter Council areas will all receive funding to support bushfire recovery across their impacted communities. 

$900,000 dollars of the funding will contribute towards the Hunter Valley Wine and Tourism Recovery and Resilience program. 

The tourism project aims to improve destination perception, increase consumer demand, raise sales value, and boost domestic tourism across the Hunter. 

Nationals' Candidate for the Hunter James Thomson says he is happy see some funding allocate locally.

"There is a diversity of projects but it's all about supporting the Cessnock community and making sure that our communities get back up on their feet after the bushfires," Mr Thomson said

Member for Upper Hunter David Layzell said, it's fantastic to see these vital community projects receive this funding as people continue to rebuild their lives following the black summer bushfires that destroyed homes in our region and damaged many more.

Source: Newcastle Weekly