Wednesday 29 April 2020

Organics Recycling Coming To Summerhill Waste Management Facility


Newcastle City Council has taken the next step towards establishing an advanced organics recycling facility at its Summerhill Waste Management Centre.

Council has awarded a contract to Barpa Pty Ltdin partnership with a company which has designed 120 composting facilities worldwide.

Over the next 25 years council expects to divert 900,000 tonnes of food and garden organics from landfill and slash greenhouse emissions by 900,000 tonnes (equivalent to eliminating 250,000 cars).

Council expects the facility will save ratepayers $24 million in operational costs over the next quarter century and reduce the waste levy paid to the state government by $32.5 million.

Under the agreement, recycling of garden organics will begin at a fully enclosed facility at Summerhill in 2022, with food organics to be added in 2026.