Friday 9 August 2019

Cold Snap Prompts Fire Safety Warnings


A sudden cold snap has prompted New South Wales Fire Rescue to issue a fire safety warning for the Hunter.

Fire Rescue Superintendent Michael Jay says home appliances and negligence are the leading cause of fires when the temperature dramatically drops. 

New South Wales is expecting a lasting cold snap as a polar front moves in.

“What we find is that our major cause of house fires throughout the year is in the kitchen; 50% of fires are in the kitchen, but when we get a cold snap we have a spike in fatalities related to bedroom fires,” said the Superintendent.

Home appliances like the heater, dryer, and electric blankets are the main instigator for fires around the home when it gets colder.

With the continuing cold front Fire Rescue are urging people to employ a few easy tricks for staying safe.

“Switch off the heaters when you’re not in the premises.”

“Check your electric blankets before you use them, don’t leave them on while you’re in bed," Mr Jay said.

Other tips include clearing the lint from dryers, not overloading power boards, and not bringing external heat sources like industrial heaters inside.

It is especially vital to implement safety practices around the heater, including keeping ‘a meter from the heater’.

Remember not to stand too close or hang clothes off the heater as this can pose a significant fire risk.

This cold front has also brought some strong wind warnings and Fire Rescue NSW urges people to stay away from any fallen power lines and report them to triple zero.