Friday, 18 June 2021

15 new police recruits for the Hunter


The Hunter will share in 15 new police recruits after they were sworn in as probationary constables at a ceremony in Goulburn on Friday.

Lake Macquarie will receive six, Port Stephens-Hunter five, and Hunter Valley four who are among a total of 192 new recruits across the state.

Minister for Police and Emergency Services David Elliott says the new recruits will bring a fresh boost to the Force.

"Congratulations to the men and women of class 347, who graduate today and will join the NSW Police Force at its strongest and most efficient.

"After eight months of world-class training, the attesting officers will join their stations next Monday and invigorate the policing capabilities of this state," Mr Elliott said.

The total 192 recruits consists of 137 men and 55 women, 21 were born overseas and seven recruits are Indigenous.

Pictured: The new recruits sworn in on Friday.
Image: NSW Police Force.