Friday 5 May 2017

Williamtown contamination takes disturbing turn


In another disturbing twist in the Williamtown contamination, families outside of the 'red zone' are finding toxic levels of firefighting chemicals in their blood.

The latest victims of the contamination are unborn babies with the toxic chemicals being found in their blood while they're still in the womb.

Mark and Karen Grant were faced with this reality when their newborn tested positive in a blood test taken just moments after she was born.

The family moved out of the area almost immediately - even though they couldn't sell their property.

The young family aren't the only ones who have been affected outside of the contamination zone, Sue Walker and her husband Stephen also have high levels of toxins in their blood.

Sue has tested positive to having three times the national average and more than double the amount of her husband.

The couple are completely baffled as to how they could have so much of the chemical in their system as they live 40 metres outside of the contamination zone.

"I've attended a lot of the drop in sessions, I've written many many letters, and in those letters and at those drop in sessions i'v always questioned whether this could be airborne but no one has really addressed the issue at all," said Sue.

She says the only possible answer she can think of it that the chemicals are airborne as she spends a lot of time outside mowing and gardening, compared to her husband who is a train driver.

"What we do need is Defence to clean up this mess. I mean they speak about safe levels of exposure but there's no safe level of exposure as far as we're concerned and Defence need to start to clean it up and address the problem."

Sue and her husband say they'll keep fighting and trying to look after their health, because right now they can't do much else.

'they've indicted that whilst ever we stay here, I'm still exposed to the contaminant so ideally we should leave but that's just impossible. You cant just walk away from your home," said Sue.