Friday 5 May 2017

Local councillor wants to bring Google to Cessnock


Cessnock Councillor Jay Suvaal is hoping Googe's search for a new location will bring them to Cessnock.

Business giant Google announced they're shifting its Australian headquarters and with Amazon's imminent arrival to Australian shores there are calls to coax both heavyweights to the Hunter.

Jay Suvaal believes if one or both of the business giants move into Cessnock the unemployment rate would disappear and the economy would increase.

"In the past, we've had to diversify from the mining industry and we continue to do that so the opportunity for locals to gain employment is great and gives them the chance to look at other areas where they can focus their expertise."

Unemployment and the economy aren't the only draw cards, the councillor says not only is housing in a great position, there's plenty of land and plenty of access to the area.

"With the Hunter Expressway, we are relatively close to both Newcastle and Sydney. In terms of housing prices for workers, the prices are fantastic at the moment. The opportunities to build and to develop are there and for associated industries to come along as well because we've got land particularly in the Kurri area," said Jay Suvaal.

Cessnock councillor Jay Suvaal and Cessnock Chamber of Commerce
president Geoff Walker Image Cessnock Advertiser