Monday 8 May 2017

Fourth incident of paramedic assault in the Hunter


The Health Services Union is calling for an urgent summit to address violence towards paramedics after yet another serious assault in the Hunter.

Two paramedics approached a 37-year-old man to medically examine him on John Parade in Lemon Tree Passage on Saturday night.

When the man was told he would need to go to a hospital for further treatment he became aggravated and allegedly grabbed a knife and swung it at one of the paramedics.

It's the fourth incident to occur in the Hunter in less than two months.

Health Services Union Secretary, Gerard Hayes says this incident isn't isolated, and something needs to be done before it's too late.

"This is becoming more regular consistently whether it's alcohol related, illicit drug related, mental health or generalised social pressures but the fact of the matter is we need to be able to intervene, we need the government to be able to exercise a summit to be able to address this matter before someone does get killed."