Tuesday 27 September 2022

Newcastle councillor calling for citywide ban on fossil fuel ads


Newcastle Council is set to discuss the possibility of a ban on fossil fuel advertising across the city at its meeting on Tuesday night.

Greens councillor John Mackenzie submitted the notice of motion, arguing it follows in the footsteps of bans on sponsorship from other activities such as gambling, alcohol, or weapons manufacturing.

He says people's attitudes are changing. 

"What we're seeing is local governments right across the country are undertaking this ban in exactly the same way that tobacco advertising was banned in the 80s and 90s," he said.

"We're recognising that the social and environmental and health consequences of supporting fossil fuels can no longer be tolerated. We're hearing the message from the community, and it starts with banning advertising which helps promote and advocates on behalf of these industries."

If successful, the motion would start with restrictions on fossil fuel advertising on council-owned and controlled signage and properties.

From there, Cr Mackenzie says Council could explore other opportunities and call on the State and Federal Governments to pursue a similar ban at a broader ban.

The ban would apply to all forms of advertising for the extraction and sale of coal, oil, or gas products.

It's unclear if the proposal to prohibit sponsorships would mean a stopper on funding from streams such as the Newcastle Port Community Contribution Fund or the State Government's Resources for Regions program.

"At this stage, what we want to do is make it very clear that the City of Newcastle won't be supporting that kind of advertising," Cr Mackenzie said.

"Then we can use that position to talk to the Port or to the Newcastle Knights and other companies and interests in the region, to see what opportunities there are for working together on reducing the role that fossil fuel advertising plays in our day-to-day lives."