Thursday 21 April 2022

School students and climate protestors to block the Port of Newcastle


School students from the School Strike for Climate and climate protest group Extinction Rebellion will lead a blockade of the Port of Newcastle this Sunday.

They're demanding an end to federal funding for fossil fuel industries, and instead, to invest the money into climate solutions, along with transition arrangements for coal workers and communities. 

The People's Occupation of the World's Biggest Coal Port event will take place at Horseshoe Beach between 8am and 3pm, where people from across the Hunter will enter the harbour and stop coal ships from moving throughout the day.

Organiser Zack Schofield says he'd love to see the community get involved.

"We will get some kayaks out and run a blockade across the shipping channel, to make sure the coal ships don't come into the port for the day," Mr Schofield said.

"This event is about getting out on the water and showing the government we care about our community."

Speeches and live music will also feature on the beach throughout the day. 

Image credit: Newcastle School Strike 4 Climate