Tuesday 7 May 2024

UPDATE Flooding Continues To Impact Hunter Trains


Trains are running again on the Hunter line after earlier flooding tracks at Sandgate.

Buses will continue to supplement services as needed.

However, a limited number of buses continue to replace trains between Cardiff and Fassifern on the Newcastle Central Coast Line due to flooding at Cockle Creek.

Trains will continue to run between Newcastle and Cardiff, and between Central and Fassifern.

The Transport Management Centre is advising passengers to allow extra travel time, listen to announcements and check information displays for service updates.


Rail commuters are being advised trains are still not running on sections of the Newcastle Central Coast and Hunter lines due to flooding.

Flooding at Cockle Creek means trains are not running between Cardiff and Fassifern.

Limited replacement buses are running between both stations in each direction.

Also, a limited bus service is replacing trains between Newcastle Interchange and Maitland due to flooding at Sandgate.

Passengers are being advised to allow extra travel time.