Friday 5 April 2024

A Review of Health at Every Size


A recent review of the popular Health at Every Size (HAES) practice found that it's benefits to a person's health are limited.

Conducted by a research team at the University of Newcastle and Hunter Mediacl Research Institute, the team found that while the HAES method can positively impact people's wellbeing, body image, and improve people's relation with food, HAES is not a replacement for any other kind of medical intervention such as nutrition therapy, medication, or treating chronic disease such as high blood pressure.

Professor of Nutrition and Dietetics' Clare Collins at the University of Newcastle says HAES is not "an approach for improving blood fat levels, blood sugar levels, or blood cholesterol." 

"If you are seeking strategies to improve your health Clare suggests "If you're really trying to improve your weight related health go have a chat with your GP about what strategies might be most suitable for you," she said.