Monday 13 February 2023

Hunter Included in National NBN Upgrades


The Federal Government has announced the Hunter will benefit from their plan to increase internet speeds across the country. 

A number of areas across the region are set to be a part of the plan for a better NBN, which will include upgrades to a full-fibre broadband connection. 

Federal Member for Hunter Dan Repacholi, said the move is essential for the region moving forward. 

"Unfortunately, the previous government went with copper lines and it has not been up-to-scratch for what we've needed to do for our businesses and our families, now that we're all connecting to NBN all the time," Mr Repacholi said.  

"This will be a great thing for businesses, and a huge thing for families."

The areas set to benefit from the scheme so far are: Wyee; Wangi Wangi; Singleton; Edgeworth; Cooranbong; Cessnock; Bonnells Bay; Wallsend; Stockton; Shortland; North Lambton; New Lambton; Merewether; Maryland; Lambton; Kotara; Islington; Hamilton; Glendale; Elermore Vale; Cooks Hill; Cardiff; Broadmeadow; Adamstown Heights; and Adamstown. 

It's expected, eligible premises will be able to access the upgrade from 2024.