Monday 3 September 2012

Labor Flyer creates controversy

Newcastle Independent Lord Mayoral Candidate Jeff McCloy is considering taking legal action over a recent flyer circulated by the Labor party.

The monopoly-themed flyer suggested the Lake Macquarie developer had a financial stake in nine properties in the CBD, which could compromise his future leadership of the city.

Jeff McCloy said the assertions are not true and unethical play is not in his DNA.

Labor candidate for Lord Mayor Nuatali Nelmes spoke about the flyer and said it was not a personal attack but rather a way to address complaints by community members.

“It really just raises issues about land banking in Hunter Street and conflicts of interest that Jeff would have if elected to council.

“They’re questions to Jeff because he has a number of interests in Lake Macquarie and Newcastle; but it really has nothing to do with the local campaign.”