Friday 31 August 2012

Train fares to rise

Hunter commuters could soon have to pay more than $1000 extra for train fares annually, as the O' Farrell Government considers recommendations to recover rail costs.

Under the Schott Report, a weekly rail fare from Newcastle or Maitland to Sydney would rise from $59 to $80, costing commuters an extra $21.

Cessnock MP Clayton Barr says the potential increases already come on the back of a 5.4 per cent hike in train fares this year.

“We’ve just lost one of our ten trains that do our Newcastle Hunter Timetable. 

“That means that our trains are going to be busier with more people queuing up for less seats and again we're talking about raising price of tickets by 7.8 per cent, when people's wages are going up at only 2.5 per cent."