Friday, 26 September 2014

2pm Hunter News Fri 26/09/14 read by Thandi Chindove

1pm News Friday 26/09/14 Read by Thandi Chindove

Midday News 26-9-14 Read by Belinda De Lasheras

Lake Macquarie Housing Plan On The Skids

Another Lake Macquarie housing development is set to be rejected because of the risk of flood and rising sea levels.

Council staff have recommended the three storey residential and commercial development at Dora Creek be refused.

It comes after developments at Swansea and Carey Bay were also opposed because they could be affected by future sea level rise.

No Gaol Time For Poker Machine Addict

An Aberdare woman who stole almost 10-thousand dollars from her employer to feed her poker machine addiction has avoided time behind bars.

Casey Maybury has been given a one year suspended gaol sentence, 300 hours of community service and has been ordered to repay the money.

The 20-year-old stole the cash from a loan business in NEWCASTLE last year and has also been placed on a 3-and-a-half year good behaviour bond.

School Violence On The Rise In Hunter and Central Coast Playgorunds

There's been a disturbing rise in playground violence at Hunter and Central Coast Schools, prompting a call for more support for teachers and principals.

There were 288 reported incidents last year - an increase of 74 per cent since 2012.

Students filming fights, sexting, threatening and violent behaviour towards teachers, as well as students bringing knives and drugs to school are all of particular concern.

Shadow Education Minister, RYAN PARK says students are coming to school with much more complex emotional and behavioural problems compared to a decade or two ago.

He believes there's a need for more specially trained counsellors and support staff, while teachers also need to be better equipped to handle difficult students.

8.30 News Fri 26.9.14 Read By Ian Crouch

7.30 News Fri 26.9.14 Read By Ian Crouch

6.30 News Fri 26.9.14 Read By Ian Crouch

Thursday, 4 September 2014

Midday News Thurs 4.9.14 Read By Siobhan Caulfield

Macquarie Generation Sale Goes Through

The new owner of the Upper Hunter's two power stations has assured workers and contract employees it will honour their employment agreements.

AGL Energy has this week completed it's $1.5 Billion purchase of Macquarie Generation from the state government.

The Bayswater and Liddell power stations near Muswellbrook will now be known as AGL Macquarie, with the publicly listed company keen to get on with a $400 Million overhaul of operations over the next 4 years.

Tenant Loses Everything In House Fire

Police believe a lit cigarette is to blame for a fire which destroyed a house at Cessnock last night.

Fire crews from Cessnock and Bellbird arrived at the weatherboard home in Hickey Street just before 9.30pm to find the house engulfed in flames.

Police say the sole occupant, a man in his early 20's, had been smoking in bed and dropped the cigarette, setting the bedclothes alight.

The flames quickly spread to the rest of the house

The man was able to escape unharmed.

Swansea MP Faces Corruption Watchdog

There are more claims of dodgy political dealings at the corruption inquiry, with a senior government staffer accusing Swansea MP, Garry Edwards of trying to hide an illegal donation.

John Macgowan claims he met with Garry Edwards and one of his staff last month over an envelope of cash received from developer and former Newcastle Lord Mayor, Jeff McCloy in 2011.

Macgowan has told the inquiry the staffer suggested not reporting the envelope to the ICAC as it had been handed on to the MP's then campaign treasurer, Max Newton, who's since died leaving no-one to confirm it had been received.

Garry Edwards insists he never checked the contents of the envelope before handing it over.

8.30 News Thurs 4.9.14 Read By Ian Crouch

7.30 News Thurs 4.9.14 Read By Ian Crouch

6.30 News Thurs 4.9.14 Read By Ian Crouch