Wednesday 4 August 2021

Urgent demand for blood donations in Maitland


Maitland blood bank is calling for donors as the impact of COVID-19 is straining blood supplies. 

The Australian Red Cross's Lifeblood division requires an extra 200 volunteers over the next fortnight, with hospital demand for blood at the highest in nearly a decade. 

Lockdowns, changes in movements and lifestyles and general social anxiety has been attributed to one in six donors cancelling their appointments at the Maitland Donor Centre 

Spokesperson for Australian Red Cross Lifeblood Jemma Falkenmire says record high demand is why the organisation is calling for Hunter residents to roll up their sleeves.

 "Our donor centres are very safe places to be, we have extra cleaning processes in place, temperature checks, social distancing, so there is absolutely no risk to you coming into a donor centre to give blood," Ms Falkenmire

One in three Australians will need blood or blood products during their life, with blood needed somewhere in Australia every 24 seconds. 

Existing donors are being encouraged to consider increasing the frequency of their donations and new donors are asked to come forward. 

"We still do have high numbers of surgery patients, women in childbirth, emergency presentations in hospitals right now.

 "Those blood donations are really important and Novocastrians have been incredible throughout the pandemic and we have been really lucky we haven't seen the shortages as in other countries but we really do need some extra effort to meet that need for blood,"  Ms Falkenmire said. 

To book a donation please call 13 14 95, visit or download the free Donate Blood app.