Sunday 21 July 2019

Meningococcal Claims Another Life In The Hunter


Hunter New England Health has confirmed the death of an elderly woman from meningococcal disease in the Hunter, the second in a week in the region.

It's believed the woman was a resident of the Jesmond Grove Aged Care Hostel operated by Anglican Care. She was admitted to hospital in a critical condition but sadly died overnight.

Hunter New England Health has previously confirmed the risk of other cases from the Jesmond facility is extremely low.

The woman is the 5th case of meningococcal disease in the Hunter New England District in 2019 and the second person in the region to die from the illness in a week after a toddler fell victim to the bacterial infection.

Dr Craig Dalton from Hunter New England Health says while the disease is rare, it is difficult to identify and people need to be aware of symptoms.

"Often it can mimic other common illnesses, so be aware nearer spring that nausea symptoms, vomiting, neck stiffness, joint pain, light sensitivity, or a sudden fever, could be something else.
Most people associate meningococcal disease with a rash or red-purple spots or bruises but in some cases a rash doesn't appear, or it could be the last symptom to take shape," he said.

Hunter New England Health says meningococcal disease does not spread easily. It is spread by secretions from the nose and throat of a person who is carrying the bacteria. Close and prolonged contact is needed to pass it on.