Friday 5 May 2017

NBN rolling out in Cessnock


Cessnock is set to be connected to the National Broadband Network (NBN) in May, but there are concerns it could be just as problematic as a lot of other areas in the Hunter.

The Hunter was one of the first areas to be connected to the network, and while the federal government promised the NBN would deliver faster Internet speeds, it doesn't appear to have been the case.

The Cessnock CBD is first on the list to be connected and fibre-to-the-node construction rolling out over the next two months to the rest of the area.

Hunter MP Joel Fitzgibbon is very concerned residents won't get the internet they deserve or pay for.

"Down on the Western side of Lake Macquarie unfortunately where people have had the NBN connected, they're finding it less reliable than their old ADSL system," said Joel Fitzgibbon.

He says wants hear from residents about their experience with the NBN so he can build a case to take to the Federal Government.

"People can call my office, they can email me, write me a letter, whatever they like and whatever is easiest for people. It's important that I have a good sense of how Malcom Turnbull's NBN is performing in the Hunter so I can give that feedback in Canberra," said Joel Fitzgibbon.