Wednesday 3 May 2017

Goodbye maintenance backlog in Hunter schools


The NSW Government is finally tackling the maintenance issues plaguing some of the biggest and most backlogged schools in the Hunter.

The government announced the Hunter will receive $50 million out of a $390 million dollar project for high schools including Rutherford Technology, Irrawang, Cessnock and Hunter River High.

State-wide the estimated backlog of repairs now totals $775 million; the rather large sum down from more than $1 billion under Labor.

"Maintaining school facilities is essential to ensuring our students get the education they deserve," said Parliamentary Secretary for the Hunter Scot MacDonald.

The funding is being given to schools to use for fixing roofing, floor coverings, painting and other maintenance items which will be fixed by December 2018.

"When the school's in good condition you can be proud of the school and proud of your children attending the school, and I think it all just helps good educational outcomes and the Hunter has earnt that as much as anywhere else in the state," said Scot MacDonald.