Thursday 27 June 2013

Labor Leadership change

Paterson MP, Bob Baldwin says despite a change of leader nothing has changed with the Federal government.

Julia Gillard has followed through with her promise to retire from politics after losing last night's leadership ballot to former Labor leader Kevin Rudd.

Bob Baldwin says it doesn't matter who the leader is because the policy direction of the government will remain the same describing it will be a case of the "same horse, different jockey."

There's now speculation a motion of no confidence could be put before the parliament today which, if passed, could pave the way for an early election.
Baldwin remains silent amid speculation of a motion of no confidence in the Federal Government and he won't comment on the likelihood of a push to force an early election.

Tuesday 25 June 2013

2014 Australian of the Year Awards

Hunter residents are being urged to nominate fellow community members in the search for 2014's Australian of the Year.

There are a number of award categories, including Australian of the Year, Young Australian of the Year, and Australia's Local Hero.

Patterson MP Bob Baldwin says a number of individuals across the region need to be recognised.

Nominations close on Friday the 2nd of August.

Xstrata Ravensworth Layoffs

A total of 46 workers have today been laid off from the Xstrata Coal Mine at Ravensworth.

It marks the 2nd round of job cuts for the company, with 30 workers sacked in October last year.

Peter Jordan from CFMEU says the reduced price of coal, difficult mining conditions, and a slow in production are to blame.

Illegal Waste Dumping Education and Enforcement Project

Illegal dumpers in Port Stephens should beware following the Council's introduction of a new illegal waste dumping education and enforcement project.

The 12 month project is already proving beneficial, despite costing the state government millions of dollars.

It focuses on identifying offenders and shifting council clean-up costs back onto them.

Post Office Theft

A 51-year-old man has been arrested at a Westfield Kotara Post Office following the alleged stealing of more than 300 dollars worth of stamps.

Police charged the Maroubra man with larceny late yesterday afternoon after he was unable to tell police where he bought the items.

The same man was later seen by police with a female companion, who handed over two more envelopes filled with stamps.

Police are interested to hear from any Post Offices who may also have been subject to theft recently.

Concerns Over High-Speed Rail Corridor

Fresh details of the Federal Government's high-speed rail corridor proposal have many Hunter landholders fearing about the future and value of their properties.

While the corridor's exact route is not yet set in stone, documents released today reveal it would run through several planned growth areas across the region, including Dora Creek, West Wallsend and Thornton North.

Lake Macquarie Councillor Barry Johnson says Council's newly approved submission includes a number of recommendations, to reduce the corridor's effect on residential land.

Monday 24 June 2013

Transport Tussle over Timetables and Tunnels

A new state rail timetable is being drawn up as a Hunter community group moves to propose to the government, express services between Sydney and Newcastle.

The Hunter Transport Business Development Group is gathering signatures on a new online survey, asking for express services which will shave half an hour off the Newcastle to Sydney journey.

However, Graham Boyd from the Hunter Commuter Council says the draft doesn't go far enough.

"We had this service thirty years ago so it's not as if it's anything new or as if nothing can be done. The express train should only stop once in Newcastle and once in Hornsby and then Central" he said.

Meanwhile, concerns have been raised over bio-diversity in Lake Macquarie if the Melbourne to Brisbane high-speed rail is approved.

In a draft submission to the federal government, council staff recommended a tunnel through west Lake Macquarie, or a relocation of route, to reduce effects on residential land at Morisset and Dora Creek.

The corridor is proposed to run for thirty-seven kilometres through a six-hundred and ninety hectare area of west Lake Macquarie.

Lake Macquarie Councillors will vote on the submission tonight.

Disney Ice Skaters Arrested

Police will not press charges against two Russian ice skaters who were arrested early this morning after allegedly assaulting police.

The ice skaters who perform with the Disney on Ice troupe, were staying at the Newcastle Travel Lodge.

At approximately 4am, police were called to the hotel by management after two ice skaters were said  to be partying too hard.

The two men refused to leave the premises and allegedly assaulted police before being arrested and conveyed to the Police station.

The troupe is leaving for Queensland today and are taking internal action against the offenders.

Wednesday 19 June 2013

Marine debris project cleans up the region

The coastline between Taree and the Central Coast have had a detox in the past twelve months, with over 4000 participants cleaning rubbish from coastal areas for the "Marine Debris Project."

Hunter school students have gained insight into the importance of marine care with schools and community groups having removed more than 21 tonnes of marine debris from coastal waterways.

Volunteers from schools, community groups and Aboriginal teams have also collected data about the items collected to help identify the sources of marine debris and possible preventive actions.

The project was funded through a grant from the Australian Government's Caring for our Country.

Hunter-Central Rivers CMA's Marine Officer, Brain Hughes says the project has made a huge impact on the environment.

"Everyone worked really hard to get it done by the end of June, and we're really happy with all the outcomes we got from the project."

Newcastle council budget unveiled

Newcastle council's budget for the new financial year has today been unveiled.

Funding for the Loft Youth Venue and professional lifeguards has been scrapped, with council hoping to rely on charities and volunteers to support both services.

In order to minimise future debt, 90 staff cuts have also been made.

Lord Mayor, Jeff McCloy says these measures were taken to help bring the deficit back to surplus.

"It's just good business sense to do so... Generally a 90 people reduction, in a staff of about 1,200 was unfortunately necessary."

The new budget is aiming to bring the deficit back into surplus within the next two years.

Swansea Home Ransacked

Lake Macquarie Police are searching for a young male involved in a break-and-enter at Swansea yesterday afternoon.

At approximately 5pm, a witness disturbed the offfender in the garage of a property on Lakeside Drive, who promptly fled the scene.

Both the home and garage had been ransacked.

The male is described as Caucasian and being around 17 years old, with short dark curly hair, wearing a grey jacket and dark grey pants.

High hopes for a modern Newcastle

There are high hopes for a fast-approaching and more modern city of Newcastle, following the end of the long-running public transport debate.

The announcement came in the budget with the government planning to spend $340 million dollars to revitalise the CBD and replace heavy rail with light rail from Wickham to Newcastle.

NSW Property Council Regional Director Andrew Fletcher says it's the start of Newcastle being a magnet for private investment.

"It caught many of us by surprise actually, the announcement of the budget was bigger and better than most expected...the 99 year lease of the port will free up capital that the government badly needs to use on infrastructure projects."
Lord Mayor of Newcastle, Jeff McCloy says light-rail coming into the city is a marvellous benefit for the city.
"The number of enquires that has generated... is really quite large. The number of shop-front owners that have applied to do their shop-front up, particularly in Hunter Street, is incredibly encouraging. All in all I think the city's on the up and we should be in for a very bright future."


Break and Enter at Bar Beach

Police are investigating a break-and-enter at a home on Bar Beach Avenue last night.

The male offender scaled the balcony and entered the premises, where he was soon discovered by the home owners.

The culprit then jumped off the balcony and onto a wall.
Two witnesses pursued the male and during the chase, one witness fell and suffered a compound fracture to his leg.
The other witness followed the offender along Bar Beach Avenue to Parkway Avenue, where the offender got into a small red hatchback, which sped off towards Darby Street.

Monday 17 June 2013

Adamstown Armed Robbery

Detectives attached to Newcastle City Local Area Command are investigating an armed robbery at Adamstown last night.

At about 10 pm, two victims aged 15 and 13 were walking through the grounds of the Department of Education site on Brunker Road where they were approached by the two male offenders.

Senior Constable Juan Mahoney says one of the offenders was armed with a knife and punched the older victim repeatedly in the face demanding cash.

Hunter Wastewater

The opposition says State Government has admitted Hunter water's wastewater treatment plants have been sending millions of litres of partially treated water into the ocean off Hunter beaches.

Figures show 13 wastewater treatment plants across the region have been partially bypassing wastewater 141 times each year, since 2011.

NSW Shadow Minister for Water Walt Secord says residents have the right to know when partially bypassed waste water is being pumped into the ocean.

Monday 3 June 2013

Road Rage on the Pacific Highway

Lake Macquarie police are investigating an alleged road rage incident that occurred on the Pacific Highway early on Saturday morning.

After taking offense to a rude gesture, an angry driver followed the victim, keeping pace and allegedly throwing a bottle at the victim's windshield.

Orica Fire Raises Concerns

Greens councillor Michael Osborne has again raised the need for Newcastle Council to be fully briefed about the risks posed by ammonium nitrate storage after a fire next to the Orica plant in Sydney raised concerns.

More than 100 firefighters battled the recycling plant fire at the Weekend, concerned the blaze could have spread to the nearby Orica plant.

Last Tuesday night the conservatives on Newcastle City Council allegedly refused to consider being briefed by the experts on the risk that confronts Hunter residents saying it is not something that Council should be concerned about.

There are currently plans for a larger storage facility for ammonium nitrate at Sandgate.

19-Year-Old Faces Newcastle Local Court Today

A 19-year-old man wanted by police in relation to several offences was arrested last night in Mayfield.

Police observed the male in a KFC carpark and on searching him allegedly found two small bags containing methylamphetamine.
The man was already wanted in relation to a number of outstanding matters, including driving while disqualified and leading police on a pursuit.

He will face Newcastle Local Court today with a host of charges.

Search for Missing Men Widened

The search for two men missing off the Central Coast has been extended to as far north as Port Stephens.

Damien Diamond and a friend, who has not been identified, were last seen heading for Bird Island yesterday in their 3-metre runabout, just before a cold front moved through.

Hunter's Westpac Rescue Helicopter has joined PolAir and the SES, covering a 100 square nautical mile grid.